

MeSort is a web-based software for implementing highly customizable sorting tasks. It supports three kinds of sorting schemes: First, circle sort for researching media repertoires and repertoires of other kinds of objects. Second, different sorting schemes for Q-sort methodology. And third concentric circles for social network analysis. All sorting tasks can be implemented as a part of qualitative interviews, but can also be viable as stand-alone methods and online. MeSort can either be used on a computer or a tablet like the iPad. 



  • Platform-independent and easy creation and management of sorting studies
  • Choose from different sorting schemes, like circle sort, network sort or Q-sort
  • Create highly customizable sorting tasks; supporting the creation of individual tokens by participants, several sorting passes and the inclusion of additional attributes to tokens
  • Intuitive handling of visual tokens like photographs and other images or text-based tokens through the research participant
  • Your projects and data are safe and secure on our server at ZfN of Bremen University


User Manual

Here you can download the user manual for MeSort.

Sneak Peak